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Press report: Kannelloni project and roastery Heede

Press release from 23.01.15 NEUE OSNABRÜCKER ZEITUNG


Start with 50 tons per year Heede becomes roasting site for “green” coffee

Heede. The Green Energy Park on the A31 in Heede is not only to become a base for research and development in the field of renewable energies, especially geothermal energy, but is also expected to be the site of a “green” coffee roaster as early as April. This was made clear by representatives of the Dersumer Kanne Group on Friday during a visit by the Lower Saxony Minister of Economic Affairs Olaf Lies (SPD).

The roastery will be part of the development centre in the Green Energy Park, which is currently still under construction, and will be put into operation as a company of the group of companies. As Timo Kösters, assistant to the Kanne management, explained, 50 tons of organic coffee from organic farming in Central and South America and Asia are to be processed in Heede every year – with the help of renewable energies, as provided for in the settlement concept for the inter-municipal industrial area of Heede and Dersum. The medium-term goal is to roast 250 tons of organic raw coffee per year. The Kanne Group, which has been in existence since 1990, is one of the leading German companies for the implementation of gastronomic service concepts in hospitals, retirement homes and shopping centers, among others.

Kösters emphasized the importance of quality, sustainability and transparency in the value chain. In Heede, the organic raw coffee is to be roasted in a drum roasting process “in gentle long-term roasting” at 160 to 220 degrees and marketed throughout Germany.

At the same time, investor Hermann Kanne is expanding another young business, the Italian gastronomy concept “Kannelloni” with pizza, pasta and coffee specialities. In the course of the roastery operation in Heede, a training centre for the catering sector is to be built.

The project manager for the planned construction of the geothermal power plant, Oliver Kugland from the Hanrath Group in Papenburg, announced the results of the feasibility study for the end of February, which was significantly funded by the Land with around 250,000 euros. They should have been available before Christmas. Despite the delay, however, one is fully on schedule, Kugland assured. The results of the study depend on whether the soil conditions allow the construction of the planned power plant. The parties were consistently optimistic about this. The power plant is expected to pump 180 degrees of warm water from a depth of just under six kilometers, thereby driving turbines for energy production. The planned investment volume for the power plant amounts to more than 48 million euros. According to Kugland, however, the focus of its operation is not so much on economic efficiency as on the nature of the research. “We want to become lower Saxony’s know-how location for renewable energies,” Kugland stressed. In his words, this also includes the establishment of a university and research location, in particular as an “extended workbench” of the international geothermal centre of the Ruhr-Universität Bochum.


“A great opportunity”


The central building is to be officially inaugurated in September. The power plant is expected to be in place by 2017. According to Kugland, the aim of the planned reference object is also to counteract reservations about deep geothermal energy and to make the topic of renewable energies acceptable.

Minister Lies was impressed by the progress of the project so far and paid tribute to those involved. The plans at the Green Energy Park are also an opportunity to revive what he considers to be an increasingly neglected debate on renewable energy. “We need projects that would never become anything without courageous investors,” Lies said. Then the federal and state governments would have to create a clear legal framework without rushing to the debate about future prospects. The geothermal project in Heede is a huge step and a great opportunity to bring the benefits of this technology to people. Unfortunately, adventurous discussions and nonsense in this context spread much faster, says Lies.

Landrat Reinhard Winter praised the investing groups as the engines of the project, but called for the support of the state and the federal government for further development.

Source: NOZ: Neue Osnabrücher Zeitung

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